Our Team

Sarah K. Wells MSN RN CEN CNL

Sarah is a proven nurse innovator and national award winner who is passionate about elevating the level of care at your organization and in your career with supportive guidance and unique expertise.

Passionate about nurse professional development and professional organizations, DEIB in healthcare, technology in patient care spaces, and nurse wellness, Sarah’s goal is to foster a safe and collaborative healthcare system for patients and clinicians.

Mary Gannon MSN RN CEN

Mary is a dedicated nurse leader with passions for optimizing technology in the patient care space, patient safety and advocacy, and professional nursing organizations. Mary has served at the local, state, and national levels in leadership and advocacy positions, working to promote safer and more equitable healthcare for all.

Change can start with a conversation.

Sarah and Mary wanted to see things change in their workplaces and beyond. Through chats, texts, and some debates, they realized that the change they wanted to see could start with them.

WellGan Consulting is here to help you or your organization make meaningful change. Want to get started?

Let’s chat >> hello@wellganconsulting.com


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This website is the intellectual property of Sarah K. Wells & WellGan Consulting. Any information on this website reflects personal opinions and experiences and does not reflect the opinion of any author’s current or past employer.  While patient scenarios are discussed, identifying details have been changed to protect their privacy and ensure compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.  You must always follow your facility’s policies, procedures, and protocols as well as be familiar with your respective State Board of Nursing and Standard of Care. The information posted on this website is copyrighted.  Please fill out a contact form if you would like permission to use any part of this copyrighted intellectual property.

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WellGan Consulting does not provide medical advice, regardless of the circumstances. Any professional or personal recommendations are based solely on personal opinion and/or experience of the author. Any of this advice or recommendations acted upon are of your own free will.  Should you chose to take action based on something you read on this website, it is at your own risk, and you agree to hold the author harmless.


We abide by all HIPAA laws. Any information that bears any resemblance to reality, in terms of personal health information, is coincidence. Patient stories are scrambled to protect those involved.